Business travel

Why do I need a business travel essentials list?

Magali Sire

Magali Sire

Content manager

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Business and personal travel came to a standstill with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people spent the best part of two years not being able to travel at all. But now things are picking up again and it’s time to get packing for your latest business trip! It’s been so long; you’ve almost forgotten what is really essential to pack and what you can get away with leaving behind! Here are some top tips to bear in mind while packing.


What are the most important items to include on my packing list?



Making a packing list well before your trip is a great way of making sure you don’t overlook anything and takes away the stress of worrying you have forgotten to bring something. By making the list on your phone or laptop, you can check it every time you are preparing for a trip and add to it if you realise there is something missing. 


Travelling for work is slightly different from travelling for a weekend break or summer holiday. You’ll probably be less in need of your flip-flops and keener to make sure you don’t forget your USB key containing your PowerPoint presentation!


Here are some of the most essential items you won’t want to be without.



Mobile phone and laptop



Given that our mobile phones now contain so many key elements of our daily lives, including payment methods, boarding passes, vaccine certificates, train tickets, maps, addresses and contact details, it is almost unthinkable to leave home without them. Just remember if you have two devices, one for work and one for personal use, pack them both. Also, make sure they are both fully charged: you don’t want your battery to fail just as you are about to board!



Chargers and peripheral devices



Although Europe is now moving towards universal chargers, we’re not there yet, so make sure you have all the chargers you’ll need for your mobile devices. You will also need power adapters if you are travelling abroad. USB keys and any printouts you might need for your presentations or meetings should also be tucked into your laptop bag


If travelling abroad, you will also want to make sure that your phone contract covers international calls. If you like watching films or streaming music while you are away, check your roaming data limits to avoid any nasty surprises. Ask your HR department about your work contract as well.



Travel documents



Even when travelling domestically, it is important always to carry photo ID. A passport or valid photo ID is required for domestic flights in the UK. International travel obviously requires a passport. Since Brexit, you may need also to check whether any visas are required to get to your destination. Different countries have different entry requirements following COVID, and some may require a digital European vaccine certificate showing that you have been fully vaccinated. It is worth taking some time to check current requirements carefully, as they change regularly. Your HR department or travel manager should be able to help you find out the very latest information.


You should also check out your travel insurance policy and any health coverage you might need while away. Keep all your documents together in a travel document folder that you can file away once home again.



Business and personal clothing



Appropriate business attire really depends on the purpose of your journey and the expectations of those attending the event. Many European countries have much less formal standards of clothing in the workplace and you might find many attendees wearing outfits that would be described in the UK as “smart casual”. It’s worth checking out business customs in your destination by asking other employees what they think.


In some situations, however, formal business wear is required, and formal evening wear may also be needed. Don’t forget to take comfortable clothes too though for when you are not working, as well as sportswear and pyjamas. 






Exactly what to pack in your travel toiletries bag is obviously up to you, but don’t assume you’ll be able to find your favourite shampoo or toothpaste in a new destination. Remember the 100ml liquid rule for carry-on luggage on flights. If you fly regularly, it is a good idea to buy travel-sized containers for shampoo, conditioner, contact lens solution, face cream and so on.   



Water bottle and healthy snacks



A reusable water bottle is essential to stay fully hydrated during travel and during long business meetings. Make sure to empty it before you go through security at the airport and fill it up regularly to be sure you don’t get dehydrated and are on top of your game when you arrive. A packet of healthy snacks (nuts, dried fruit, granola) to stave off any hunger pangs during travel is also often much appreciated.






While Mooncard can’t pack your bags for you, we can make it easier to keep track of your travel expenses while on a business trip! Check out the advantages of a Mooncard corporate card and get in touch for a no-strings-attached demo.

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Magali Sire

Magali Sire

Magali Sire est Marketing & Brand Content Manager chez Mooncard. Entrepreneur et rédactrice expérimentée, elle joue les couteaux suisses depuis plus de 20 ans en BtoB et BtoC, dans les études, les médias économiques et financiers, ou le retail, et se passionne pour l’évolution des métiers supports.